Welcome to Dr Sylvia Likambi International. The ultimate place where minds are transformed, purpose revealed, and optimal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and wellbeing experienced!
As a child, I heard of so many amazing stories that elucidated the astonishing transformational power of the mind from my dad. Whenever I was distracted while doing my homework, my dad would take some time out to explain to me in great details the importance and power of a focused mind, placing emphasis on the fact that my degree of concentration was indispensable for my success then and in the future.
As I grew older and became a medical professional/ researcher, I became more and more intrigued and fascinated by the vital role of the human mind and will in medicine, and in the overall response to therapy and a person’s state of wellbeing. Over the years, while working as an ambitious medical researcher, I came to the realization that optimal health and wellbeing/wellness was much more than just the simple administration of medications or treatment of the physical symptoms and ailments associated to a particular health disorder or condition.
With research breakthrough, it became more and more evident that to achieve optimal health and wellbeing, some other non-medical factors and determinants were to be equally considered, acknowledged, and exploited as key players. This knowledge revolutionized my entire concept of medicine/ medical research. Consequently, I became more interested in studying and pursing in more details these other non-therapeutic, safe, and effective pathways, which to me promised much more benefits and fewer or no drug related side effects-when compared to conventional therapies or forms of treatment.
I arrived at the peak of my enlightenment when I became a leading empowerment and transformation expert, and began investing a considerable amount of time working on myself, then to empower and enable people transform their thought patterns and attitudes. The later often resulted in profound transformation of their lives and a completely renewed lifestyle/attitude and confidence in themselves and their abilities to thrive and excel! I began to ponder more and more on the immense truth unveiled in the saying “As a man thinks so he is!”
Over the years, while working as a leading empowerment and transformation authority and expert with thousands of diverse individuals (especially women), from a diverse range of backgrounds and social/economic status, my focus gradually shifted- from the discovery of new drugs and therapeutic options to cure well established diseases/ illnesses, to that of working with some of most disadvantaged and mentally ill/depressed patients to transform their self-image, thought patterns and overall attitude towards life…which always produced positive results and significant transformation in their lives, and a completely renewed life attitude and confidence in themselves and their abilities to stay healthy and happy.
With each successful case study/ success story, I became more and more intrigued and zealous to research further and deeper, and put together the concepts and principles I use in my workshops, one to one sessions, and health and wellbeing seminars to bring about sustainable real life transformation in these patients/ individuals. In my training programs, upcoming book and at Dr Sylvia Likambi International Health & Wellbeing Clinic, these fundamental concepts and principles are explored and revealed in great details, with the sole aim that, everyone engaging and working with me, also become transformed through the renewal of their mind, and unlock the incredible transformational power of their mind for a genuine experience of optimal health and wellbeing – regardless of their current circumstances, challenges or physical hardships.
Be Ye Transformed By The Renewal of Your Mind
Have a blessed and awesome day x