“Vision Is the Only Key That Grants You Immediate Access and Power to Go Beyond Every Physical Limitation of Your Sight” Dr Sylvia Forchap Likambi
“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision.” Helen Keller
My question to you is: How far can you see? You could only go as far as you can see…no more, no less…
I challenge and urge you today to arise, stretch forth…and start looking far beyond the physical limitations of the eyes. You must be able to see farther than your eyes can see.
Today I am here to tell you that…I have a dream…I have a vision! Everyone has a dream…Everyone has a vision! You have a dream, you have a vision!
Now, my second question to you today is: What is your vision? Have you identified it yet? Can you envisage it and relate with it right now and here?
Do not be limited by your sight or past/present experiences and life circumstances…Vision is the ability to see beyond these barriers…I assure you that there is a hope beyond your current circumstances…Hope of a better and brighter tomorrow…Hope of living your best days and best life ever! Yes there is…If only you could envisage it and believe in it…then it will and must surely come to pass! There is not a better Time than Now…Not a better Place than Here…Stop holding yourself back!
Arise and take hold of your destiny today…Your ultimate destiny! Do not kill or abort your dream/vision in the face of challenge or adversity…Do not abort your vision prematurely…give me the opportunity to help you nurture it and give birth and life to it…so it can become reality!
Arise, look…Look inward and outward…What do you see? Open both your physical and spiritual eyes…the physical is for sight, the spiritual is for vision! The physical is a function of the eyes, while the spiritual is a function of the heart!
Vision is better than sight! You could have eyes, but have no vision! The physical eyes often obstruct your vision! Vision, is being able to see beyond the physical barriers of the eyes…It is an internalized mental picture of a preferred and ideal future/life—your purpose of existence.
Without vision, there is no leadership…
Without leadership; there could be no transformation…
Without Transformation, we are doomed as a people, a nation, and world! We remain trapped in our existential struggles and quests for the true meaning and purpose of our life.
Therefore, I tell you today, do not be conformed to the patterns of this world…but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…as I speak to you today through these written words of mine…it is my hope that mindsets will be transformed and renewed!
This is the time when, we cannot afford any longer to keep protesting and asking the darkness in our lives, families, communities, cities, nations, and world to go away…rather it is the perfect opportunity and moment for us to turn on the lights in our lives, families, communities, cities, nations, and world!
This is your chance…your chance to make a difference…your chance to shine…this is your moment…this is your time…The time to conceive a new vision…the vision of the life, family, community, nation, and world that you so desire, and give birth to a new life and world…and in so doing… you must pave the way for others to follow.
This is your chance…your chance to make a difference…your chance to shine…this is your moment…this is your time…The time to conceive a new vision…the vision of the life, family, community, nation, and world that you so desire, and give birth to a new life and world…and in so doing… you must pave the way for others to follow.
For more and to find out how we could support you, visit: www.drsylvialikambi.com
All my love and gratitude
Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi